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Childhood & Adolescence / From Santa Barbara, CA. to Hopi, AZ
Naphtali was born in Santa Barbara, California to parents, Will and Millie, who met at a non-profit Christian wilderness-adventure ministry where they served together. When she was 13, she and her two siblings moved with their parents to the Hopi Indian reservation in the high desert of Northern Arizona, after the Lord revealed through visions over 3 years time to their father that they were being called to this land.
This was a catapulting for Naphtali into a life of service and an introduction to true faith in God like she had not yet known. While assisting to lead Sunday school with her mom and siblings, worship times on her guitar with the youth group, and eventually a bible study she headed up at the local Hopi high school, she got to learn first-hand that knowing and following Jesus is often not easy, but that the rewards of walking hand-in-hand with Him in this life are irreplaceable.
After High School, Naphtali completed a Discipleship Training School with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Brisbane, Australia, then later was on staff with YWAM Tribal Winds in Arizona for a year, while finishing up her B.A. in Elementary Education at N.A.U., in Flagstaff, AZ. It was during these college years that she found herself asking the Lord incessantly for a deeper knowledge of Him and to better hear His voice and love Him.
This led to many wonderful prayer times with Jesus, a deeper revelation of Him in His word, and to witnessing and being used to assist in many of His marvelous miracles, healings, and deliverances.
Teaching & Growing in Intimacy with God
After university was completed, Naphtali taught 4th grade and coached sports (basketball & softball) for two years at the Hopi Mission School in the village of Kykotsmovi, where she had grown up as a teen. It was during this season of life that she gained a real burden and call for prophetic ministry and intercession. This was followed by working two years at a Christian non-profit, then completing a six month internship at the International House of Prayer, in Kansas City, MO. During this time the Holy Spirit trained her in the practice of staying in the place of intercession for longer lengths of time, as well as giving her greater instruction about the 1st Commandment lifestyle, which every follower of Christ is called to follow, to "Love the Lord the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength."
Naphtali then spent 4 years (3 in Alaska) praying, coupled with fasting, as led by the Spirit, for the preparation of the Church-Bride to be ready for Jesus 2nd-coming, for a culture-changing world-wide revival/reformation (especially for the U.S.), for the healing and equipping of the saints, for the people and Body of Christ in North and South Korea, and for the role Native America will have as the host-people of America in the coming revival and end-times movement.
Bridal Time
Naphtali met her amazing husband, Tim Hillis soon after returning from Alaska, while she was serving as a full-time intercessory missionary in Flagstaff through YWAM Tribal Winds. At that time she was able to help collaborate with other worship leaders, intercessors, and pastors in the area, and cover 25 hours a week at the local House of Worship, keeping the fire on the altar burning.
Currently, Naphtali holds her ministry license through Christian International, a ministry under the leadership of Bishop Hammon. The vision of C.I. is to love Jesus with purity and wholeness of heart and life, and to raise up a mature Bride of Christ, with all members thriving in their gifting and call - "the day of the one man show is over". Naphtali is currently working on a PhD in Biblical Theology from I.M.I. based out of Florida.